Utilization statistics are subject to change between UHD releases.Location information can be parsed out of the gps_gpgga sensor by using gpsd or another NMEA parser. You can query the lock status with the gps_locked sensor, as well as obtain raw NMEA sentences using the gps_gprmc, and gps_gpgga sensors. Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Regulator X300/X310 Schematics Key Component Datasheets Part Number This can be done in C++ using libraries such as Liquid DSP, or can be done in GNU Radio, in which there are three blocks that perform sampling rate conversion.Įnvironmental Specifications Operating Temperature Range If the desired sampling rate is not directly supported by the hardware, then it will be necessary to re-sample in software. An odd decimation factor will result in additional unwanted attenuation (roll-off from the CIC filter in the DUC and DDC blocks in the FPGA). Ideally, this decimation factor should be an even number.
The sampling rate must be an integer decimation rate of the MCR. There are two master clock rates (MCR) supported on the X300 and X310: 200.0 MHz and 184.32 MHz.
The Ettus Research USRP X310 is a high-performance, scalable software defined radio (SDR) platform for designing and deploying next generation wireless communications systems.
25 Guidance on SFP+ Adapters for Fiber Connectivity on USRP X300/X310.22 Option: General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Kit.
20 Option: GPS Disciplined, Oven-Controlled Oscillator (GPSDO).A simple approach towards exploitation of the subspace techniques for finite-element model refinement and data confrontation is presented. Apparent simulation and prediction errors are quantified for both cases using a deviation-accounted-for index. Both (i) stable vacuum diffusion and (ii) unstable plasma response datasets are analysed. The relation of the CV system order to the decay of the singular values from the subspace method is observed. These system orders are compared to “stabilisation diagrams” commonly used in experimental modal analysis practice. Using subspace system identification techniques and randomised cross-validation (CV) methods to minimise the generalisation error, state-space orders of the empirical systems are suggested. Both T2R and RFX are magnetohydrodynamically unstable and operates under magnetic feedback with optional dither injection. The two RFP experiments considered are (i) EXTRAP T2R (T2R) with 64 inputs and 64 outputs and (ii) RFX-mod (RFX) with 192 inputs and 192 outputs. The RFP datasets, which are samples of the distributed magnetic field dynamics, are naturally divided into many smaller batches due to the pulsed-plasma operation of the experiments. Input–output datasets from two magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) experiments of the reversed-field pinch (RFP) type are examined.